Feeder Cable Adapter

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The Feeder Cable Adapter is designed for LumenPnP users (v2.x.x through v3.2.x) with a v3 era Feeder Connection Kit who wish to upgrade their machine to v4.0.x.

The v3 era Feeder Connection Kits used an IDC Ribbon Cable to link Slot #1 and the Motherboard (rev03/rev04). Starting with LumenPnP v4, the Feeder Connection Kit now uses a 4-wire PH cable to connect Slot #1 and the Motherboard (rev05).

This adapter lets you:

  1. Connect the v4 Feeder Connection Kit to a LumenPnP machine (v2.x.x–v3.2.x).
  2. Use a v4 Control Box with older Feeder Connection Kits that use an IDC Ribbon Cable.

This product is for DIY enthusiasts upgrading their machines. Need help? Contact Support.


  • This adapter is already included in the Feeder Connection Kit sold by Opulo today. If you have a LumenPnP v3.1.x or earlier and want feeder support, simply purchase a Feeder Connection Kit.

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